Table of contents
Eco 5: benchtop dehydrator
Before you contact enrich360, we recommend resetting the unit. To do so:
- Ensure that the unit is plugged in.
- Press and hold the Start/Power button for three seconds, or until you hear a beep. The unit should shut off if it was “on”.
- Unplug the unit and wait one minute.
- Plug the unit back in and wait ten seconds.
- Press Start/Power once, as you normally would to start a cycle.
- You’re done!
If the unit is still malfunctioning in some way, please contact the enrich360 team via the contact us form.
Just a power plug! The Eco5 benchtop unit runs on less than 1.5KW per cycle, that’s the same as having a laptop plugged in overnight.
No need to clean your unit! During the dehydration process, the heat fromthe cycle eliminates bacteria that may have existed in the food waste in your unit. Any residue fertiliser left in the bucket after a cycle will be reincorporated into the next dehydration process. If you do feel your unit needs a clean at any time, simply remove the bucket and give it a rinse.
Each cycle consumes approximately 0.8-1.5 kW, which is roughly the same as having a laptop plugged in for the same amount of time. Depending on where you live, running a cycle costs about 20-30 cents in electricity.
The Eco 5 has a 5L bucket capacity. This equates to roughly 3-5kgs of food waste.
Commercial dehydrators
If your commercial dehydrator is malfunctioning, please contact enrich360immediately
The dehydrator has three modes:
- Dehydration: The dehydration mode lasts 8-10 hours, depending on the moisture of food waste input. This process is manually triggered by staff when required. The cycle will end once moisture sensors detect low water content in the drum, therefore wetter food waste can take up to ten hours to dehydrate while drier food waste can be processed in 8 hours.During this process, the machine must remain sealed. No input of food waste is possible during this process.
- Discharge: The discharge cycle is programmed to run for 15 minutes. This ensures that all fertiliser is emptied from the unit, regardless of the quantity of food waste input into the machine. This process must be triggered manually. Staff do not need to be present during the whole 15 minutes of discharge, however the process requires manual input at the beginning and end of the process, to set up the discharge and reset the machine after discharge. Including the programmed discharge, this process should only take up to 20 minutes. (No input of food waste is possible during this process)
- General use: If the machine is not dehydrating or discharging, food waste can be addedto the unit. The inner drum, which holds the food waste, is a sealed system which means food waste or fertiliser can remain in the drum without emitting smell or attracting vermin. This process simply requires staff to open the main input door and tip waste in to the machine.Food waste can be added at any time during general use, gradually or all at once. Loading the unit and commencing a cycle should take no longer than 5 minutes.
- Electricity: Our units run on electricity, nothing else. For our larger units, three-phase power may need to be installed.
- Drainage: Our units do not need any plumbing into the dehydrator, however potable water is created during the dehydration process. You can reuse this water by capturing it during the dehydration cycle, or even pumping it into a water tank. If you do not want to reuse the potable water, it can be discarded through a drainage point
Card-access dehydrators
If your card-access dehydrator is malfunctioning, please contact enrich360immediately
- Tap your card.
- Wait for the door to unlock after the click.
- Open the door and input your waste.
- Close the door. The unit is now registering the weight that has been input.
You card will not work if the unit is processing a dehydration. At any other time, when the ready light is on, your card will allow you to access the unit
The dehydrator has three modes:
- Dehydration: The dehydration mode lasts 8-10 hours, depending on the moisture of food waste input. This process is manually triggered by staff when required. The cycle will end once moisture sensors detect low water content in the drum, therefore wetter food waste can take up to ten hours to dehydrate while drier food waste can be processed in 8 hours.During this process, the machine must remain sealed. No input of food waste is possible during this process.
- Discharge: The discharge cycle is programmed to run for 15 minutes. This ensures that all fertiliser is emptied from the unit, regardless of the quantity of food waste input into the machine. This process must be triggered manually. Staff do not need to be present during the whole 15 minutes of discharge, however the process requires manual input at the beginning and end of the process, to set up the discharge and reset the machine after discharge. Including the programmed discharge, this process should only take up to 20 minutes. (No input of food waste is possible during this process)
- General use: If the machine is not dehydrating or discharging, food waste can be addedto the unit. The inner drum, which holds the food waste, is a sealed system which means food waste or fertiliser can remain in the drum without emitting smell or attracting vermin. This process simply requires staff to open the main input door and tip waste in to the machine.Food waste can be added at any time during general use, gradually or all at once. Loading the unit and commencing a cycle should take no longer than 5 minutes.
- Electricity: Our units run on electricity, nothing else. For our larger units, three-phase power may need to be installed.
- Drainage: Our units do not need any plumbing into the dehydrator, however potable water is created during the dehydration process. You can reuse this water by capturing it during the dehydration cycle, or even pumping it into a water tank. If you do not want to reuse the potable water, it can be discarded through a drainage point.
Methane gas is emitted during the decomposition process of organic materials in anaerobic (no air) environment. Since the dehydration process aerates food waste while heating and pulverizing (creating an aerobic environment), those environmentally damaging methane gases are not produced at all.
By using enrich360 dehydrators, food waste is dehydrated at high temperatures to eliminate harmful bacteria. In the process, moisture is pulled from the input to reduce weight and dry the product, while retaining the organics matter original nutrients and composition. The final byproduct is a dry, dirt-like matter, which is fully organic and nutrient rich.
For all our dehydrators, cleaning the internal drum or bucket is not necessary. During the dehydration process, the heat eliminates any bacteria that may have existed in the food waste input. Any residue fertiliser that remains in the unit after is has been emptied will be reincorporated back into next dehydration cycle.To keep the unit looking clean, the exterior can simply be wiped done withantibacterial spray or wipes.
- Fruit and veg
- Meat, shellfish, and poultry
- Cheese
- Beans, seeds, and legumes
- Chicken and fish bones/shells
- Coffee grounds, filters and tea bags
- Eggs and eggshells
- Hard/dense bones (beef, pork and lamb)
- Candy or gum
- Cooking oils and greases
- Hard pits (peaches, apricots, and nectarines)
- Pineapple leaves
- Watermelon Rinds
enrich360® fertiliser is characterised by very high organic matter (94%). High organic matter (OM) replaces OM lost through tillage and builds soil function. Improving soil function means increasing water and nutrient holding capacities, and improving soil structure, nutrient cycling, nutrient availability, and biological activity. Expanding the soil’s biological activity with organic inputs can also increase pest and disease suppression through the introduction or encouragement of control organisms.
Only 50 grams (about one handful) of fertiliser is needed per square meter of land. For domestic use: mix fertilizer into soil prior to use. When applying, avoid contact with foliage. Always water in after application. For perennial gardens and lawns where incorporation is not possible: apply as top dressing, raking in and water well.
Fertiliser can be stored for up to 3 months, in an airtight recipient. Make sure the recipient is sealed and stored in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight until use. Keep away from children and pets.
enrich360 fertiliser is a concentrated organic product. Although no chemicals are added, enrich360 fertiliser is not fit for human consumption. As the product contains high levels of concentrated nitrogen, we do not recommend this product is feed to livestock or animals without previous consultation of an industry professional.