
Transforming Food Waste at Home: Erin Adams’ Eco 5 Journey

Published on
September 12, 2024
Erin Adams, a Southern Highlands resident, has made a remarkable shift in how her family manages household waste thanks to enrich360’s Eco 5, our compact, 5L food waste dehydrator. Erin and her family of four, including two young daughters, have been using the Eco 5 for over 18 months, and the changes they’ve experienced in waste management have been nothing short of transformative.

The Challenge: A Tiny Bin and No FOGO Program

Moving from Sydney to the Southern Highlands came with some surprises, one of which was the local waste collection system. Erin recalls, "In Sydney, we had a large red bin, but here, we had a teeny tiny bin with no FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) program. I knew we had to find a solution."

That’s when Erin discovered enrich360’s Eco 5 benchtop dehydrator, an eco-friendly option designed to drastically reduce food waste volume. After making the switch, Erin's family took to the Eco 5 like ducks to water.

Easy to Use: From Box to Operation in Three Simple Steps

For Erin, the simplicity of the Eco 5 was a game changer. "I'm usually useless when it comes to following instructions, always rushing through things," she admits with a laugh. "But the Eco 5 was super easy - three steps, and I was ready to go."

This user-friendly design is one of the key features that sets the Eco 5 apart. It doesn’t require any complicated setup, making it ideal for busy families like Erin’s.

Big Impact in Small Cycles

Before introducing chickens into their home, Erin and her family were running four to five cycles a week. With three chickens now sharing the food waste load, they still run the dehydrator three to four times weekly.

But it's not just about how often the machine is used - it’s about the impact. Erin describes how the Eco 5 has lightened the load, both literally and figuratively. “With an 80-90% reduction in food waste volume, our bins are so much lighter, which is a huge help given our 300m uphill driveway."

In addition to lighter bins, Erin has also noticed other practical benefits. The dehydration process helps remove moisture from the food waste, which means no more unpleasant odours, and the smaller waste volume requires less storage space. The result? A cleaner and more organised area, with fewer pests like flies, rats, and mice - something any household can appreciate.

Wasting Less and Getting Creative

Perhaps one of the most surprising benefits of using the Eco 5 has been how it’s influenced the family’s behaviour around food waste. "We’re wasting heaps less," Erin shares. "Seeing what goes into the machine has made us more conscious. Old apples now become applesauce, and only the cores go in. Even the kids love it! They take some of the dehydrated soil amendment to their school’s community garden.”

The Eco 5 isn’t just helping reduce waste; it’s encouraging Erin’s family to get creative and think twice before tossing out food.

A Circular Economy at Home

One of the features Erin loves most about the Eco 5 is its role in promoting a circular economy. The dehydrated food waste is transformed into a nutrient-rich biomass that Erin’s family uses in their compost and garden. "We use it in our veggie patch, and occasionally, we send some to the school’s community garden,” Erin says.

This sustainable loop of turning food waste into soil amendment means Erin’s family is reducing their environmental footprint while helping to grow healthier plants and vegetables. What would have ended up in a landfill is now feeding their garden and contributing to a greener future.

Final Thoughts: A Small Change with a Big Impact

Reflecting on their 18 months of using the Eco 5, Erin is enthusiastic about the difference it’s made. "The reduction in waste is incredible - our bins are lighter, there's no bad smell and we’ve cut down on garbage runs. It's such an easy way for families like ours to contribute to a circular economy and reduce our waste. What could have been landfill material is now helping our garden thrive."

For Erin and her family, the Eco 5 has been more than just a tool for managing food waste. It’s changed their mindset, reduced waste and contributed to a more sustainable way of living - one that aligns perfectly with enrich360’s mission of closing the loop on food waste.

If you’re looking for a simple, eco-friendly solution to managing your food waste at home, the Eco 5 might just be the game changer you need!

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